Cash Friend Fintech Private Limited (“Payfi”, “we”, “our” or “us”) recognizes the importance of  protecting personal details and information and provides this Privacy Policy with respect to the access and  use (direct or indirect) of (“Services”). For the purpose of this Privacy Policy, the user of  Services may be merchants/sellers/billers, customers/buyers/consumers, or any other persons using Services  (“User”, “you” or “your”). This Privacy Policy will help you understand our policies and procedures  regarding the collection, handling and use of your information.

By using our Services through the Sites, you signify your assent to this Privacy Policy and consent to the  processing of your Information (Personal Information and/or Sensitive Personal Data or Information). If you  do not agree with this Privacy Policy do not, in any manner, use our Services, install and/or use the mobile  application.

Collection of Information

This Privacy Policy covers our treatment of your Information collected from (i) Merchants/ Sub-Merchants  who use or may want to use our payment gateway services; and/or (ii) consumer information that we  acquire in the course of our business.

As a merchant/ sub-merchant, we collect your Information, through the registration process, the service  agreement that we execute and various submitted documents of your credibility that are required from  time to time. We may ask customers to enter personal data when placing an order, such as name, address,  phone number, credit card/ banking details and e-mail address and use this data to protect the merchant and  ourselves against risk.

As a customer we capture your Profiling Information, Correspondence Information, domain name from  which you contact us, the pages you request, the products you buy, the referring site, and the time that you  spend on the site. For everyone who visits any of our merchant’s website/ purchase page, we log IP  addresses, the type of operating system that your computer uses, and the type of browser software used by  you. Further, we may also capture your Service Usage and Transactional Information; one-time passwords  if you have consented for it; Correspondence Information; cookies, etc.


Information security is critical to our business. We work to protect the security of your information during  transmission by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software, which encrypts information you input. We  store information gathered on secure computers. We use advanced security technology to prevent our  computers from being accessed by unauthorized persons. It is important for you to protect against  unauthorized access to your Login ID/password and to your computer. Be sure to protect the password used  to access our services.

We use reasonable precautions to keep the personal information disclosed to us secure and do not disclose  this information to other individuals or organizations unless required for provision of Services to you such  as to banks, card associations. However, we will exchange information with other companies and  organizations for the purposes of fraud protection and risk reduction. You acknowledge and agree that for  the purpose of sending you updates/ communications, improving product, personalisation, offering new  features in the existing services you are availing, offering new products/ services which may be relevant for  you and Service efficiency, we may, under controlled and secure circumstances, share your Information  with our affiliates, associates or third parties with whom we have an legal arrangement in place.

We may disclose your Information pursuant to applicable laws, a directive or order of a government entity  or statutory authority or any judicial or regulatory authority or to law enforcement agencies in any official  investigation including but not limited to cyber incidents, prosecution and punishment of offences. You  agree that Payfi has the right to monitor and to disclose Information as may be necessary to satisfy any  law, regulation or other governmental request. We may transfer Your Information or other information  collected, stored, processed by Payfi to any other entity or organization located in India.

only in case it is necessary for providing Services to you in connection with Application. We will cooperate  with the appropriate law enforcement authorities in investigating claims of illegal activity.

We will only disclose your Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If we want to use it for any  other purpose, we will obtain your consent.

If you decline to submit Information to us, then we will unfortunately not be in a position to provide the  Services to you.

Payfi will never sell or rent personal information of its clients to anyone, at any time, for any reason.

Payfi may use the Customers’s personal information, inter alia, in the following ways, viz:

i. Monitor, improve and administer the Website and improve the quality of services;

ii. Analyze how the website is used, diagnose service or technical problems, maintain security;

iii. Remember information to help the Customers effectively access the Website;

iv. Monitor aggregate metrics such as total number of views, visitors, traffic and demographic patterns;

v. To confirm the Customer’s identity in order to determine its eligibility to use the Website and avail of the services;

vi. To notify the Customers about changes to the Website;

vii. To enable Payfi to comply with its legal and regulatory obligations;

viii. To help the Customers apply for certain products and services.

ix. For the purpose of sending administrative notices, service-related alerts and other similar communication with a view to optimizing the efficiency of the Website.

x. Market research, troubleshooting, protection against error, project planning, fraud and other criminal activity.

Security of Information

We work to protect the security of your Information during transmission by using appropriate software,  which encrypts information you input. This encrypted information is stored on secure systems/computers.  We use advanced security technology to prevent our computers from being accessed by unauthorized  persons.

We have also implemented information security practices and standards and have in place information  security programmes and policies containing managerial, technical, operational and physical security  measures that are in compliance with the Indian laws including, so as to protect your Information with us  from unauthorized access, use, modification, damage, disclosure or impairment. In fact, we have received  ISO 27001:2013 certification.

However, no data transmission over the internet is fully secure, so we cannot ensure or warrant the security  of any information you submit to us. Further, we do not guarantee in any way, the security of any  Information that you transmit or share on the Site; and you do so at your own risk.

We urge you to keep your Information confidential and not share it with anyone unless necessary. Any of  your information which you provide when you use our Services to an open, public environment or forum  including (without limitation) any blog, chat room, community, classifieds or discussion board, (a) will not  be considered confidential, (b) will not be considered as Personal Information, and (c) is not subject to  protection under this Privacy Policy. Since such public environments are accessible by third parties, it is  possible that third parties may collect or use such information for their own purposes. In the case of abuse or  breach of security, we are not responsible for any breach of security or for any actions of any third parties  which receive the information illegally. We will not distribute customer information to be used in mailing  lists, surveys, or any other purpose other than what is required to perform our services.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

Payfi reserves the right to change, modify, add, or remove portions of this Privacy Policy at any time for  any reason. In case, any changes are made in the Privacy Policy, Payfi shall update the same on the  website. Users should periodically review this page for the latest information on our privacy practices. Once  posted, those changes are effective immediately, unless stated otherwise. Continued access or use of the  Services constitutes your acceptance of the changes and the amended Privacy Policy. However, if you do  not agree with the changes, please do not continue to use the Services or submit Personal Information to us.


We reserve the right to report any illegal activity by any User, that is, our -Merchants or their customers to  law enforcement for prosecution. Please be aware that we do not control the acts of our Sub-Merchants,  customers or visitors.

In case of any grievance, Customers may write to Grievance Officer [email protected].

We will respond to the Customer’s request within 15 working days.

Data Retention

We will retain and use Customer’s information as necessary to comply with its legal obligations, resolve  disputes, and enforce its agreements or its data/document preservation policy or for other business purposes.


In the event Payfi modifies this Privacy Policy, the same will be updated on the Website. The Customers are encouraged to periodically review this page for the latest information on privacy practices.


Payfi has made every effort to ensure that this Policy adheres with the applicable laws. The invalidity or  unenforceability of any part of this Policy shall not prejudice or affect the validity or enforceability of the remainder of this Policy.

No Waiver

The rights and remedies available under this Policy may be exercised as often as necessary and are cumulative and not exclusive of rights or remedies provided by law. It may be waived only in writing. Delay in exercising or non-exercise of any such right or remedy does not constitute a waiver of that right or remedy, or any other right or remedy.

Governing Law

This Policy shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of India and subject to the  provisions of arbitration set out herein, the courts at Delhi shall have exclusive jurisdiction in relation to any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Policy.

If any dispute arises between Payfi and the Customers in connection with or arising out of the validity,  interpretation, implementation or alleged breach of any provision of the Policy, such dispute shall be  referred to and finally resolved by arbitration in accordance with the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 for the time being in force, which rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference in this clause.

There shall be one (1) arbitrator and the seat of the arbitration shall be Delhi, India.

The language of the arbitration proceedings and of all written decisions and correspondence relating to the arbitration shall be English.

Foreign Jurisdiction

Payfi makes no representation that the content contained on the Website is appropriate or to be used or  accessed outside of India. If the Customers use or access the Website from outside India, they do so at their  own risk and are responsible for compliance with the laws of such jurisdiction.


Any questions or concerns should be addressed to: